Thursday, July 17, 2008

She's my Wonderwall....and my Chasing "Amy"

No truer words have ever been spoken than in the sad, darkly whimsical, and pure 90s ballad wonderwall by Oasis whose lead singer recently took to being Jay-Z's wonderwall but that is something for another blog entirely. "And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would
Like to say to youI don't know how Because maybe You're gonna be the one who saves me And after all You're my wonderwall." Oasis pumps out this searing ballad with all their heart and it now the song i want played at my future wedding...hopefully. But this song isn't about worshiping Oasis no no, though i have to give them credit for giving me a creative start point for this blog. Wonderwall as I understand it is about how a women in your life is the reason for stopping everything your doing to be with her. While the song has quickly reemerged as one of my favorites, it opens the doors for me to show how the different girls or women in my have played a significant role in my life but that more importantly how they relate to another wonderwall of mine: cinema. A different girl represents a different movie that reminds me of them. For the past couple of weeks I have wracked my brain trying to decide how to write this blog and now I realize I just have to.

Along the same lines I was thinking about the movie the "Deep Blue Sea" you know the movie where Sam "mothafucking" Jackson takes on super smart sharks (unfortunately for mr. Jackson and his devout fans he bit the dust about 15 minutes in to the movie...oh did I spoil it for some of you?). Anyways besides the lame special effects and the ridiculous L.L Cool J song where he compared his kango hat to being like a sharks fin, there is one piece of "cinematic" brilliance that resonates with me from that movie. Is a touching moment between L.L. Cool J the wisdom spouting chef and Michael Rappaport who are discussing Einstein's theory of relativity: While Rappaport who is a physicist, LL puts the theory simply: You put your hands on a hot pan a minute could feel like an hour, put your hand on a beautiful women, an hour seems like mere minutes, to which Rappaport thent retorts that in all his years of schooling that is the best explanation for the theory of relativity he has ever heard. Now not only did that B-Movie sci-fi flick make me remember the movie for that it also got me pondering like Wonderwall about the select women who have had an impact on me whether it be for mere minutes or hours that feel like minutes. Among the beauties is the one who is my current "wonderwall" and my relative theory. With her hours feel like minutes and there are not enough minutes in the world to be near her.

Chasing CEE (My chasing Amy): I would not say I am a Kevin Smith fan at all, I find most of his movies funny but for some reason Chasing Amy has a special place in my heart probably because i feel like I can sort of relate to it. Chasing Amy has so far in my opinion proven to be Smith's masterpiece or most controlled film about a comic book artist named Holden (played by Ben Affleck in probably his best performance) who falls heads over heels in love with Allissa, a rival comic book aritst, and also lesbian. Just because I know it may come up, why the movie is called Chasing Amy, I am getting to that. Kevin Smith has probably the second best soliloquy next to Ben Affleck's. Basically he says he use to date this girl named "Amy" (that is the macguffin) and he loved her until he found out she was involved in a threesome and began to resent her, but by the time he was able to accept it, she had left him, and ever since he has been "Chasing Amy" basically chasing that unattainable girl. Cee is my Chasing Amy. Now the problem between Holden and Alissa is that Alissa is a lesbian , but was involved a three some with 2 dudes (thus the connection to Smith's story about Amy). My problem is that Cee is tied down to a guy but yet I want her badly. As I type this it is hard to go 5 minutes without once thinking about her. Cee is what Allissa is in Chasing Amy: Independent, assertive, sweet but spunky and for once I can say this is more than lust: this is something different. And as Affleck says in his big 10 minute speech about being in love with Alissa the lesbian: "if this is a crush, I don't know if I can handle the real thing when it happens" reflects my sediments exactly. I go to the bar to hang out with her, I talk with her, I sometimes try to hold her hand, and I try to make her feel special. Yet for all my efforts it may be wishful thinking to think I may land her but she is my "Chasing Amy" and in both cases the movie and my life I owe it to myself to not give up. May be it is romanticism getting the best of me but chasing Cee is well worth the hours that feel like minutes.
(Part 1 of 3)