Monday, August 11, 2008

Things that make me say Hmmm? From Celebrity to common things

Things that make me say hmmm?

I had actually been given this idea by my father a month ago to write down about things that I ponder here and there so for your comical reading pleasure here they are:

walking down the strand I saw a women sitting at the Coffee Bean doing of all things Blogging like I try to do? I wonder if she gets any hits? hmmm?

Does Disney own Eddie Murphy's soul? hmmm?

Paris for President? hmmm?

Do I want to work for Diddy? apparently if you become his personal bitch! hmmm?

According to "Twilight" Vampires have sex because instead of blood they use venom? hmmm?

Is Oliver Stone's George W. Bush's biopic a Comedy about a alcoholic simpleton who becomes president and hilarity ensues? hmmm?

How can a 3rd batman movie or any other batman movie top The Dark Knight? hmmm?

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