Saturday, June 7, 2008

Confessions of a Strip Club Junkie: In which we Dream of Big Fish

Remember that scene in the film "Big Fish" where Albert Finney talks about when you are in love that time seems to stop around you and all you except for you and the one you pine for and then you see Ewan Mcgregor as a young Albert Finney at a carnival and see's the love of his life and time literally stops and she is still walking toward him or something gushy along those lines.Actually the line goes: "They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true. What they don't tell you is that when it starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up." That is how I felt this past Sunday sitting there with Cee, the women I have become so encompassed with for the past few weeks.It is a lust that has cost me anywhere between 45 dollars to 60 dollars a day. Last week The good doctor and I built her a castle made out of dollar bills this week I took to spelling her name out with approximately 18 dollars out of five and ones. The good doctor had to leave early to go study for finals (a smart move on his part), me on the other hand had realized the futility of taking one final so decided to hang out and immerse myself in delusions of grandeurs with Cee. Now I don't know how to explain it but there is something about her that I can't stop thinking about her, it made going to the strip club different no longer was I amazed by the plethora of naked girls walking around, that arousal had dissipated and now all I could ever want is to spend as many moments talking with her, joking with her, laughing with her, because she really is the definition of what makes me happy. We get to talking about how dramatic her life is in which I reassure her that no matter how dramatic it is my family probably still takes the cake for drama (on a side note: if a reality camera needed a dysfunctional family to follow around with camera my family would come off as the Twilight Zone). Sometimes i lose sight on the conversations because of the way she smiles at me and at how when she goes to help a customer she always turns around and gives me a wink, I swear ever moment I spend with her, I could easily die a happy man. What happens next is the "Big Fish" moment.

Now remember the "Big Fish" moment is when time literally stops when you fall in love with somebody. Well it was my moment. Now the details of this part of my trip are a little fuzzy but here is my account of what happens as I remember: There was a naked girl on stage and her song of choice happened to be the perennial 80s classic "Take On Me by A-Ha" so Cee goes to the bathroom and I am jamming out to the song (the dancers and staff have commented that i probably know every song made). Anyways not only is this my big fish moment but this is the moment in every 80s movie where the Andrew McCarthy's or the Molly Ringwalds or the John Cusacks realize that they will go to great lengths to impress their object of desire (think Cusack in "Say Anything" holding the boom box or McCarthy constantly shopping in a record store that Ringwald works at in "Pretty in Pink" just so he can be near her) This is my Pretty in Gentlemen club so say anything moment. Cee comes out of the bathroom with a smile on her face as she looks at me and I sing the song toward her,"oh the things that you say stretching my arm out to call her over to me and she embraces me giving me the most amazing hug I have had in a while. It's a clincher and I don't want to ever let go! ever. I sing in her ear and at the moment everything else going on around me at the club doesn't matter. I just continue singing her ear: "take on me, Take me on" until she lets go and I continue to hold on to her hand until she walks away. It's moments like that where I forget the fact I came to a strip club and think I came for something more than just Tits and Ass I came because somewhere there I find solace in someone who makes me feel good when being at that place can be so wrong.

1 comment:

cristian.vasquez said...

That is deep my friend. Don't give up!