Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Family Guy Problem: Is there ever too much pop

My 9-year-old brother is addicted to "Family Guy." Our favorite fun loving family that contains so many pop culture references you could choke on it. Every episode is like one big nostalgic look back at a time when TV was bold, the 80's were dull but exciting at the same time. From 70's and 80s tv shows that had some oddball plots to classic film making and awesomely bad 80s rock Family Guy is like the Pop culturist guide to pop culture. But is the pop culture references to over exposed on the show? i remember watching an episode where the family was shopping at the grocery store and Chris goes into the freezer to get milk and ends up being pulled into the strangely wonderful "Take On Me" video by A-Ha yet it represents "Family Guy" perfectly for its zaniness and obscure pokes at pop culture. Yes the show does over state the pop culture references but it also pokes fun at the fact that the show itself is nostalgic. Episodes like "Back in the Woods" where a scorned James Wood trades identities with Peter and in order to keep Peter from trying to win back his family Woods threatens him with setting up his own random flash back. It is a classy move on Family Guy's part as it realizes that this is the show, take it or leave it. 
Who knows maybe years from now some young turk will make his own satirical pop culture show that will (now follow me carefully on this because you may get lost along the way...Be warned)... A show lets call it "Married with a Family of Three's Company Guy" now picture this show being the ultimate satirist of pop culture like pop culture up the ying yang that it would make Warhol proud. So basically the premise of the show "Married with a Family of  Three Company's Guy" is that it pop culturally satirizes "Family Guy" satirizing pop culture. Did you get that because I am not repeating it again..okay one more time. The show satirizes family guy satirizing pop culture.  It just be an endless cycle of jokes about talking animals, football shaped head babies, and maybe even Steve Guttenburg. A guy can hope...maybe I should get this show idea copyrighted! 

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