Monday, May 12, 2008

I Prefer my Robert Downey on Crack

Eagerly anticipating "Iron Man" I realize this is a new direction in character actor Robert Downey Jr. career. From here on out we can expect Iron Man XI which will be called "Tony Stark" (to follow Stallone's lead of using the character's actual name as a movie title). Upon discussion of Ironman, Kathy had brought up that she "prefers her Robert Downey on crack." That night I went home and to my surprise "Less Than Zero" the perennial Brett-Easton-Ellison druggie movie was on, starring everybody favorite new Marvel comic hero RDJ. Now given this was near the peak of his drug addled addiction I now appreciate the man even more; RDJ is a joker of method acting. "Less Than Zero" could have been better but the saving grace was RDJ's manic performance as Julian, who gets so deep into the drug world he has forced to sell himself to pay off a debt. It is a RDJ performance that is nearly unforgettable. Kathy was right I prefer my Robert Downey on crack. Hell that same manic performance is seen in "Johnny B. Good." and "Chances Are," he manages not to sell you on that he is Robert Downey as ... but that he is the character as portrayed by RDJ. Crack kills but man does Robert Downey Kill when he was on crack.

PS. If we could get Anthony Michael Hall, Andrew McCarthy, and The Downey Jr back together in a movie again that would be awsome. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it. Got it Downey.

1 comment:

Spook said...

Don't forget he's ugly now, too. XD

You forgot my add in, dammit. But I do agree with that whole post. When Robert Downey was on crack, he did some serious acting that made for some awesome movies. Now he's playing this creepy robot thing who makes lame jokes. That a fuckin shame.